in the Information Technology area worldwide

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In the 1960s and 1970s, the term information technology (IT) was a little known phrase that was used by those who worked in places like banks and hospitals to describe the processes they used to store information. In the early days of computer development, there was no such thing as a college degree in IT. Software development and computer programming were best left to the computer scientists and mathematical engineers, due to their complicated nature.
By the early 21st century, nearly every child in the Western world, and many in other parts of the world, knew how to use a personal computer. Businesses' information technology departments have gone from using storage tapes created by a single computer operator to interconnected networks of employee workstations that store information in a server farm, often somewhere away from the main business site. Communication has advanced, from physical postal mail, to telephone fax transmissions, to nearly instantaneous digital communication through electronic mail (email). Great technological advances have been made since the days when computers were huge pieces of equipment that were stored in big, air conditioned rooms, getting their information from punch cards.

Our IT services are supported by a robust methodology, a proven delivery model, and years of industry experience. Multiple skills & competencies available with us enable our clients to realize technology driven process transformation with the help of our skilled consultants & a host of frameworks, products & components developed by us ensuring repeatable and consistent results. We are constantly working towards developing innovative products that go beyond the benefits of traditional web based applications with advanced capabilities & features designed to meet industry specific business needs.

  • Consulting and Support Services
  • Research Computing and Cyberinfrastructure
  • Security Operations and Services
  • Communications and Networking Services

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